EXAMS Finish

Today my exams are finished..
and m happy of that.
it was really a tuff task to study in summer..


Just impossible to handle.

I was happy so want to share with all of you...

now i will enjoy my summer vacations


Software Project Management Exam

i had exam of SPM today..

one of the most boring subject in my education history...
i m really pissed off studying that subject!

i had attempted full paper but still not sure about my result...

any ways nw i have to study ERP byeeeeeee!!!!!!!

E-Mail using PHP script

you can use this php script for sending emails.....

< ?php
$name= $_POST['name'];
$email= $_POST['e-mail'];
$phone= $_POST['phone'];
$address= $_POST['address'];
$message= $_POST['message'];
$subject="Customer Query";
$mailheaders="From: "$name"." ".Phone No.:."$phone"." ".Address:."$address"";
$mailheaders .="Reply To: "$email"";

I Did Not Vote

today,on 7th of may 2009, 5th phase of election
held in INDIA.

But i did not vote because i did not find any candidate from ghaziabad worth of my vote.

i think there should be a BLANK Vote or NO VOTE option in EVM( electronic voting machine)

so that these candidate may know that they are not worth of anything!

i hope next gov will be good for our country..
like all other previous governments

computer networks exam

i m one of the victims of UPTU.

this year our date sheet gonna kill us.
what the crap date sheet is this yaar!

i to give them the huge fuck who crated this date sheet!

zero gap for study in computer networks exam

this is the limit buddies!
i do not know how m going to pass this exam!!!!!!

god help me....